Cottbus 2024 city parliament election
The SUB is made up of diverse, committed and creative people from all walks of life and of all ages.
Together, we have decided to help shape our city for a positive future.
Cottbus is growing! But also for everyone, please!
Robert Amat Kreft
For a vibrant future!
Manja Schwabe
For me, the focus is on diverse coexistence. I am committed to policies that prioritize the people in our city, not just the economy. I create more open spaces and opportunities for children and young people so that they don’t all have to leave the city after school. I am also committed to the digitalization of schools and public authorities.
For a vibrant future!
Manja Schwabe
For me, the focus is on diverse coexistence. I am committed to policies that prioritize the people in our city, not just the economy. I create more open spaces and opportunities for children and young people so that they don’t all have to leave the city after school. I am also committed to the digitalization of schools and public authorities.
Inclusive politics for all Cottbus residents!
Nadeem Manjouneh
I want us to work together as a community to ensure that everyone – regardless of their background – has the opportunity to grow, learn and contribute. I stand for a policy that talks to people – not about them. A policy that makes decisions together – not alone.
Social justice,
Co-determination and participation
Michael Matschke
Seeking contact with citizens instead of having decisions made by long-established entrepreneurs in committees, creating spaces in which networking and dialog can be fruitfully conducted and in which all interest groups are heard – these are my goals and ideas for a democratic debate on the issues of our time.
Social justice,
Co-determination and participation
Michael Matschke
Seeking contact with citizens instead of having decisions made by long-established entrepreneurs in committees, creating spaces in which networking and dialog can be fruitfully conducted and in which all interest groups are heard – these are my goals and ideas for a democratic debate on the issues of our time.
Our successes
What we have already achieved for Cottbus
- Entertainment tax for cultural events has been abolished – gambling pays the price (Abolish an amusement tax by increasing it)
- First residence model for students: Incentive for BTU students strengthened!
- Streetlights: We bring light into the darkness
- Motion for video transmission: For more participation and transparency in politics
Latest news
Something new is being created in Cottbus City
💜🧡💙 Cordial invitation 🧡💙💛 Something new is being created in Cottbus City! 😮 Come and have a look 👀 and treat yourself to snacks and a cold or hot drink with nice people 🍇🥨🧆☕🍸 Fun and games are also provided. Get into the ‘Open Passage’ 💫:The...
Enquiry on improving accessibility and transparency in the digital transmission of city council meetings
In the interest of greater transparency in the digital work of the city of Cottbus, we consider it particularly important to enhance accessibility to municipal political work, especially in light of structural change and the associated societal...
SUB statement on the update of the 2022-2027 school development plan
According to the presented plans, the city of Cottbus is aiming for an immediate response to the increasing number of students in secondary education, beginning in grade 7 or grade 5 for performance and gifted classes. This response primarily involves...
Support us
Working together for citizen-oriented politics in Cottbus
The truth is, election campaigns are expensive. We really want to achieve something in this city and we need support to do so. Our donation jars can be found in the Quasimono and other places. Your generous support enables us to shape our city together and put the concerns of all citizens first. Every contribution counts towards creating a vibrant and diverse future for Cottbus. Get involved and help us to implement citizen-oriented policies. Together, we can build a strong community and shape a city that belongs to everyone.
Für alle Bürger
Za wšyknych wobydlarjow
For all citizens
لجميع المواطنين
Для всіх громадян
Wir sind für Sie da
Smy za Was how
We are here for you
نحن هنا من أجلك
Ми тут для вас
Wir laden Sie ein, sich aktiv an diesem Gestaltungsprozess zu beteiligen und Ideen für die weitere Entwicklung unserer Stadt einzubringen. Sprechen Sie uns an, wenn Sie Fragen haben oder sich einbringen möchten. Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Teilnahme und darauf, gemeinsam eine positive Zukunft für unsere Stadt zu gestalten.
Pśepšosujomy Was, se aktiwnje na toś tom wugótowańskem procesu wobźěliś a mysli za dalšne wuwiśe našogo města zapśěgnuś. Wobrośćo se na nas, gaž pšašanja maśo abo cośo zapśimjeś. Wjaselimy se na Wašo wobźělenje a na to, zgromadnje pozitiwny pśichod za našo město wugótowaś.
We invite you to actively participate in this design process and contribute ideas for the further development of our city. Contact us if you have any questions or would like to get involved. We look forward to your participation and to shaping a positive future for our city together.
ندعوك للمشاركة بفعالية في عملية التصميم هذه والمساهمة بأفكار لتطوير مدينتنا. اتصل بنا إذا كان لديك أي أسئلة أو ترغب في المشاركة. نتطلع إلى مشاركتكم وإلى تشكيل مستقبل إيجابي لمدينتنا معاً.
Ми запрошуємо вас взяти активну участь у цьому процесі проектування та внести свої ідеї щодо подальшого розвитку нашого міста. Зв'яжіться з нами, якщо у вас виникли запитання або ви бажаєте долучитися. Ми з нетерпінням чекаємо на вашу участь і будемо разом формувати позитивне майбутнє нашого міста.